• AgroBest serves as a potent soil conditioner, fostering the health of both soil and plants
  • The excessive use of conventional inputs poses significant environmental risks, including soil erosion, nutrient depletion, water contamination, and biodiversity loss. To address these challenges, the adoption of organic manures is strongly advocated. Presently, fermented organic manures are gaining traction within the scientific community
  • Anaerobic composting is done in a special digester which feeds the anaerobic bacteria daily and also collects the digested thing after a certain amount of time. Its eco friendly nature increases the sustainability

Features of AgroBest

Why AgroBest?

Comprising a beneficial blend of sap and other advantageous microorganisms, it serves as a valuable soil amendment.

AgroBest stimulates root biomass growth and facilitates enhanced nutrient absorption by the roots.

It augments the soil’s capacity to retain water.

It enhances the population of beneficial microorganisms within the soil.

By boosting organic content and facilitating nutrient accumulation, it fosters soil enrichment.

Dosage & Applications

AgroBest (Liquid): Available in 250ml, 500ml, 1L pack size. Mix 5 ml per litre of water for use in foliar spray, drip irrigation, or drenching.

AgroBest (Granule): Available in 5kg, 10kg, 50kg(10x5kg) pack size. Apply 10 Kg per acre for all crops during soil preparation and sowing.

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